With drag-and-drop ease you can build powerful, responsive sites that your visitors and clients are sure to love. Foundry allows you to take our pre-built, customizable, modular components and assemble them to create any sort of site design you can think up. I have an unlimited self-hosted license, and have over 75 instances of it running. Foundry makes the task of building a website from the ground up just that easy and fun. And, it works in a dozen different languages, including Spanish. The admin panel is so easy to work with the formatting is nice, the emails that both the client and visitor receive are beautiful, and beyond initially setting up a MySQL database (the guys at MachForm will even do it for you for free, if it’s not your thing), you never touch it again (MachForm does all editing to the db on the backend).
#Rapidweaver stacks 3 stacks install
But now the Pulse developer decided to offer hosting plans with monthly fees and limited bandwidth, where individual users cannot install Pulse on their own servers anymore. If the defined conditions are met the contents of the stack will display, otherwise they will be hidden. RapidWeaver Stacks freewheelinfranklyn (Frank) February 16, 2017, 3:21pm 1 Until now, I’ve been an enthusiastic user of Pulse and the Pulse stacks. While not a RW or Stacks product, it is extremely easy to drop into any Rw site (just export a couple lines of text and drop it into an HTML stack). Pay 39.96 See Configuration Amount 3 Total: 26.97 10 discount applied to orders of 3 or more Buy 3 Modify & calculate based on condition Configure includes a useful stack that allows you to define custom display conditions. Pricing Reviews About Get in touch Themes and Stacks for RapidWeaver RapidWeaver Stacks Weavers Space has acquired all Nick Cates Design stacks. Are there any other product that people suggest I look at, from a styling and functionality PoV?